Comment Challenge: Day 3 Sign up for a comment tracking service

Your task for the day, then, is to sign up for coComment or another comment tracking service. Be sure to add your comment feeds to your reader. And if you blog about your experience, add the “comment08” tag to your post.

Since I had already joined coComment and installed its Firefox add-ins, I didn’t have much to do to fulfill this challenge. However, I also joined the coComment group for the comment challenge and now I’m starting to see how coComment could be really valuable. It looks like a good way to find interesting blogs that I wouldn’t have found on my own. I may have it wrong, but it looks like the group collects the blog conversations of the individuals in the group, but I’m not sure how. Is it automatic, based on a tag, or do you have to submit the conversation to coComment somehow? If someone out there knows the answer, I’d be happy for enlightenment.

About Kimberly McCollum

I'm a former middle and high school science teacher and current stay at home mom.
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4 Responses to Comment Challenge: Day 3 Sign up for a comment tracking service

  1. Sue Waters says:

    Sorry it’s not automatic. What you have to do is go to your account and click on more options and then Share. Then click on groups then Comment Challenge. For this reason I’m thinking that using the Comment08 tag may be an easier option because we automatically obtain the comments as we do them by just adding the tag.

  2. lec says:

    Sharing with a group in coComment can be done from the coCobar displayed by our extension under the commenting area, or from your conversation page on our web site.
    In both cases, click on share. In the coCobar, if the comment area is small, the share option is in the drop down menu (down arrow on the right of the cocobar)
    You can then choose to share it with someone (with his cocomment nickname, or email address), or with a group.

  3. carla arena says:

    Hi, Kam,

    I’m so glad you asked that because I had the same question and felt somewhat stupid to be asking that as there were so many conversations already there in the group! I hope to hear more from you these days.

  4. kamccollum says:

    @Sue and @lec: Thank you so much for answering my question!

    @Carla: I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who had the question.

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